Monday, January 14, 2008

The Joy of Snow

16 inches. 8 hours.

I woke up this morning and there was NO snow. Not one flake. But, alas, my boss called within the hour to tell me not to bother coming in due to the bad weather. Sure enough, by noon, there was a good four inches on the ground and no sign of it slowing down. I also took my little monster out:

Don't let the cute, shivering face fool you. His name is Grendel and let me assure you, in no way is the name being misrepresented.

This weekend I had the pleasure of creating a couple of wonderful new products. A facial scrub, which is amazing, because it's made with one of my favourite exfoliants: fruit fiber. I chose blueberry fruit fiber, as the antioxidants in blueberries do wonders in skin care. It has a very dark, purple colour, which I love! It's also a very fine exfoliant, so you can use the scrub daily. I also made my first ever batch of bath bombs. They are made with avocado oil, so they make your skin really soft. They're huge and they fizz A LOT! They are in the shape of ice cream scoops and scented in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I think I'm also going to get an orange sherbert scent as well. Yum! I can't wait to post these on etsy! I think I'm going to wait until I actually get my new label designs though. My business is sort of in a weird spot right now, as it's the new year and I have a few more items I want to be up, but I really want to wait on my labels, tags, banner, business/promo cards. . .

Speaking of cards...Has anyone heard of "Moo Cards"? I've been hearing the name floating around on etsy and I've been interested in looking into them, but haven't gotten round to it, yet. They're supposed to be fab, though, so I'll have to check them out ASAP.

Not meaning this in a conceited way, but I'm so in love with my stuff. Even if everyone else hates it and never buys it, I'm still going to make them because they are amazing. I love love love them. I just wish I had more time to use them!


Right As Rain Creations said...

Those bath bombs look fun! Great "flavors" too. Avocado oil is lovely for skin, I include it in my lotion and body cream blends. :)

Labeling is so important - good luck getting it all done just the way you want it!

Dharma Designs said...

I LOVE bath bombs! :-)

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the facial scrub, I shall be keeping and eye out for it.

I can't even look at the bath bombs or I'll cry. I don't have a bathtub anymore!! :( Stupid showers.

Amber Rose said...

Oh, thank you for your comments!

The face scrub will should be hitting my etsy shop in the next few weeks, hopefully with a matching toner and facial cream. As will a few other facial care lines (See earlier post!)

Dreary Daffodils, that sucks :( I couldn't live without a bath tub :(

Leslie said...

wow, the fizzers look awesome!!

Liz Smith said...

Your stuff looks yummy!

Moo cards are the cutest! They have a really nice weight and finish. I use mine as fancy hangtags on my products. 100 will cost about $25 so they aren't the most economical way to go, but I went there for the caché :)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I keep wanting to make bath fizzies with my 6yr old son... he's obsessed with them! Personally, I'd rather let you great professionals do the work :).

Amy Yang said...

Grendel is the cutest :) I actually have an amazingly similar picture of one of my dogs earlier in the winter. How funny :)

idyll hands said...

Moos are wonderful! I got some free ones a while back and fell in love with them. I've since ordered a full set. Just keep in mind, the pics are a bit dark due to the finish, so if you get some, pick some lighter pictures.