Monday, October 29, 2007

The Essentials...Part One

Essential oils, depending on the fragrance, are used for various reasons. Lavender fragrance is notorious to having a calming or relaxing effect. I heard that they have now invented "bark collars" for dogs that, instead of handing out an electric shock, they spray citronella to distract the dog from barking. Personally, I use peppermint oil to keep the ants out of our kitchen! In this entry I am going to briefly cover the uses and benefits of essential oils in body and self care, though NOT medicinal.

One of the first things you should know about essential oils is that they are extremely potent. If used incorrectly, they can cause somewhat harmful or uncomfortable reactions. Please pay attention to the formulation in which you are using any essential oils. In most cases, 2-10 drops, for any formulation, is usually enough.

Essential oils have been used in beauty and body care for centuries. They can be put in just about any beauty recipe to create a delicious aroma, or to cause an aromatherapy-like effect.
Lavender Essential Oil- Lavender has been known for centuries to have a relaxing effect on one's emotions. It is used in many beauty concoctions and sleep masks. Spas around the world will often burn lavender candles, or even just open a bottle of lavender essential oil to create a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere. Some hotels spritz their freshly cleaned sheets with lavender scented spray. It can reduce stress, ease headaches and even help to heal burns. Add a few drops into your bath water or rubbing a very small amount on your temples to ease tension or remedy stress. Adding a couple of drops into your lotions or creams can also be very beneficial (please stay tuned for my entry on simple lotion/cream recipes!)

Delicious Aromas- Depending on what you are making and what scent you are looking for, essential oils are, of course, top notch when it comes to making an unforgettable aroma. As the cold winter months are approaching, I like to use "warm" scented oils. My personal favorite is Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is an amazing fragrance and has a long reputed history of being an aphrodisiac. It is great in massage oils, bath oils (just a few drops, or diluted with another oil) and even in facial toners (add a few drops to witch hazel, for example).

Antioxidant- There are quite a few essential oils that work in an antimicrobial way and tea tree oil is one of them. Despite it's extremely strong odor, the oil contains germ-killing properties. For these reasons, I would definitely use it in any foot care formulations, soaps, and facial care. If you have dandruff or a dry scalp, add a few drops to your daily shampoo.

Essential Oils can be found at any health food store. Depending on the fragrance, it should also be quite easy finding them online. Here are some of my favorite sites to get you started:

I hope this helps you! There is so much to cover in essential oils that I will soon be adding a "Part Two" and more than likely, a "Part Three".
Also stay tuned for my weekend recipe posts!
Until next time...

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