Friday, January 18, 2008

Aria Images

Life can be shit and life can be wonderful. I mean, that's life. It's a series of extraordinary moments and I think that there are relatively few people that can just stop, think and capture a decent moment. And no, I'm not trying to get all sappy and drift into the "kodak moment" cliche. I'm talking about art. Real art and real moments. Photography.
Some people see the world differently and can show the beauty in things that would normally appear mediocre and dull. They show us to appreciate the places and moments, that would most often go overlooked.
For my featured seller today, I chose to promote Aria Images. Not only do her photographs surpass any and all definitions in terms of "capturing moments", but her photos are beautiful as well as cosmopolitan. Trust me, from this shop, it was HARD to pick favourites:

Ancient Arches:

Cherry Blossom Series:

Arch Phantasy:

This is just a small preview of what you'll find in her shop. Her work ranges from colour, to black and white as well as series prints.

I took the liberty of asking a few questions for a mini interview. Take a peek:

1) What is your craft? Photography.
2) What is/are your favourite materials to use? Photoshop for sure. Its taken digital photography to a whole other level.
3) How did you learn your craft and how long have you been practicing it? I am totally self taught. Some of my earliest memories as a child were of taking photos so I guess for at least 20 years. I started treating it as more than a hobby about a year and a half ago.
4) What are your favourite and least favourite parts about your craft? Something I love about photography is that the more I do the more I seem to "train" my eye. I see more and more shots I would love to get (I really need to start walking around with my camera) and besides that its one of the best ways for me to personally express myself. Its not just something I enjoy. Its this inner hunger to capture that exact moment or angle. To show people what I see. I find it so exciting. I guess my least favorite aspect is that because I am totally self taught and just kind of professionally starting, I do often feel not as good as others I come across. I get frustrated by my own technical limitations. I am hoping study and time will take care of that though.

What is your favourite...
1) Dessert? NY Cheesecake
2) Month? September
3) Quote? You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt
4) Book? The Woman in White

Thank you for being my first featured seller, Aria Image! Good luck to you and your shop! xxx.